New Scout Info

Members and Leaders

Pack 67 has been based in Lemont, PA for more than 70 years, serving youth from across the Centre Region. We typically draw girls and boys who attend Spring Creek Elementary, but also have scouts from Park Forest Elementary, Corl Street Elementary, and various charter and private schools in the area.  The Pack is comprised of nearly 50 scouts and more than 15 registered leaders. Registered leaders are trained parents who help to deliver the Cub Scout program.


Pack meetings are typically held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (September through May) at the Mt. Nittany United Methodist Church at 6 pm.  Dens (age-based groups) meet once or twice monthly usually on Tuesdays at varying times and locations. Check the calendar for upcoming meetings.

Typical Program Year

Community and Service Activities

  • SCASD Homecoming Parade (September)
  • Scouting for Food (November)
  • Toys for Tots (December)
  • Scouts Trash the Trash/Pick up PA (April)
  • Jared Box Project (June)
  • 4th Fest Parade (July)

Outdoor Activities

  • Duck Derby and Picnic (September)
  • Fall Campout (October)
  • Klondike Derby (January)
  • Spring Campout (April/May)
  • Family/Day Camp and Webelos Camp (June and July)
  • Summer Kickoff (June)
  • Pizza at the Pool (July)
  • Scout Night at the Spikes w/overnight (August)
  • Summer Hike or Nature Program (August)

Pack Events

  • Pumpkin Decorating Contest (October)
  • Bowling Night (December)
  • Pinewood Derby (January)
  • Blue and Gold Banquet (February)
  • Pack Advancement Campfire (May)

Provided by Pack 67

Where possible the Pack subsidizes much of the costs of participating in scouting.

The Pack provides the following for all scouts:

  • Yearly rank kit: neckerchief and program book
  • Class B t-shirt at Lion, Wolf, and Webelo ranks; or upon joining the Pack
  • Adventure belt loops and awards
  • Pinewood Derby car

We also subsidize pack and den events (such as camping and a summer pool party) and cover local BSA council fees, leader registration fees and other administrative fees.

What is My Investment?

To support the delivery of the program parents and families are asked to invest in Pack 67 in four main ways – payment of annual membership fees, participating in fundraising, maintaining a uniform, and volunteering.


We strive to be transparent with our fee structure and as all-inclusive as possible.

We have estimated that the cost per scout is approximately $300 per year. We cover this cost through the collection of an annual fee ($175) and through fundraising ($120 per scout). If the fundraising goal for the year is not met, then an additional cost per scout may need to be collected in the spring.  

Annual fees of $175 and are paid each November for the following calendar year. 

Most of the dues cover administrative fees, including local and national BSA fees, subscription to Scout’s Life magazine, and leader registration costs. 

The balance of the fees cover program costs including scout materials (handbook, neckerchief, and Pack 67 t-shirt), advancement awards, camping fees, pinewood derby and Blue and Gold banquet costs.

During the course of the year the Pack participates in 5 to 7 activities and service events which sometimes carry additional costs ranging between $5 and $20 each.  These may include district and council events, bowling, Jared Boxes and Toys for Tots donations or attending sporting events. 

The total of these additional costs to participate is typically less than $50 annually per scout.

No scout or family will be turned away for financial reasons. Inquire with the Pack 67 Committee Chair, Rebecca Kirby, , in confidence for more information.


As mentioned above, we have estimated that the cost per scout is approximately $300 per year. We cover this cost through the collection of an annual fee and through fundraising.  

Annually, we set a fundraising goal of $125 per Scout that we work toward collectively as a Pack. These efforts subsidize program costs to keep out-of-pocket fees low for families. If the fundraising goal for the year is not met, then an additional cost per scout may need to be collected in the spring.  

We participate in an annual popcorn sale, which typically includes individual sales and “Show and Sells” on 2 or 3 days each fall. Families are asked to volunteer for at least one “Show and Sell” shift at a local store and scouts earn extra credit toward their sales incentives.

Additionally, we host a spring fundraiser through a local business.


Pack 67 requires scouts and leaders to maintain both a field uniform (Class A) and an activity uniform (Class B). The field uniform is what you might think of as a traditional Cub scout uniform and the activity uniform consists of the Pack 67 t-shirt which is provided to each scout. 

Family investments in field uniforms generally occur at 3 stages throughout the six years of the program. First as a Lion scout, then as a Tiger through Webelos scout, and finally as scouts prepare to crossover into Scouts BSA. Pricing below is based on purchasing new from an official BSA source.

Lion and Lion partners both wear blue Lion t-shirts, neckerchief, and belt ($45).

Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos scouts wear a blue uniform shirt with unit and council patches, neckerchief, neckerchief slide and belt ($50-60).

Webelos scouts switch to a tan uniform shirt sometime before they crossover to Scouts BSA usually when they grow out of their blue shirt ($40).   

Pack 67 provides a Class B t-shirt which serves as the official Activity Uniform worn on outings. Parents and family members may purchase additional t-shirts ($12).

Optional uniform pieces include pants, shorts, skirts, socks, and hats.

Uniforms can be purchased at the Juniata Valley Scout Shop (9 Taylor Drive, Reedsville, PA) or online at Many families have also purchased uniforms on Ebay, Facebook exchange groups and we also may be able to source hand-me-down shirts as needed.


We ask each family to volunteer to lead one or two Pack events/activities each year or to take on one of the primary leadership roles. Check out our volunteer roles to get a sense of how you can help.

Religion and Pack 67

Faith and spirituality are a part of the World Scouting Movement. While our Pack meets in a Christian church, our membership comes from a variety of faith and spiritual backgrounds. Therefore, Pack 67’s approach to faith is to allow for the spiritual and religious aspects of Cub Scouting to be addressed at home, in the family setting.

How to join?

Pack 67 accepts new members year-round. We encourage families to attend one of our recruiting events or contact us at to attend a den or pack meeting. If you plan to register, we ask that you do so before participating in your third scouting activity.  This allows families ample time to try out scouting and also ensures the safety of our scouts, families and volunteers.

New scouts must first register online at Scroll to Pack 0067 State College Sunrise Rotary to register for Pack 67 Spring Creek. There is a one-time $25 joining fee.
